Remix slides

Example input and output of Remix

Remix is a useful tool for converting content from one format to another, whether that's an existing slide design or just a blob of text you've pasted onto your slide.

Plus AI will transform the content to fit the layout you want, rewriting as needed.

Remix a slide

Launch "Edit with Plus AI" from the Extensions menu.

Select the Remix tab.

To remix an existing slide, open "Edit with Plus AI" from the extensions menu and go to the Remix tab.

Add additional notes (optional), select a layout, and then click the Remix Current Slide button.

Pro-tip: You can undo + redo these changes in Google Slides. Duplicate your slide before using Remix if you want to produce multiple options that you can review.

Remix is free to use, though you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan to access more layouts.

Do more with Plus AI


Generate a new presentation

Easier than starting from scratch


Rewrite content

Change the tone or audience


Insert a single slide

Great for editing existing presentations

Last updated