Generate a presentation

Use Plus AI to create a Google Slides presentation from scratch, in just a few minutes. You can start with a short prompt, a long document or article, or build your presentation slide-by-slide.

Generate a presentation

Google Slides

To create a new presentation, create a new Google Slides presentation, then launch the Plus add-on from the Extensions menu: Extensions > Plus AI for Google Slides > New Presentation.


Go to the Home tab, click on Add-ins. Search for Plus AI if it doesn't show up immediately under My Add-ins

Presentation modes

There are three ways to generate a new presentation. (Click through to learn more about each.) If you start from a template, you can still use any mode you like.

  1. Use a prompt You provide a short prompt, like "Create a presentation explaining quantum entanglement to 5th graders." This is the easiest way to get started.

  2. Upload a file (⭐ Most popular option) You can upload a PDF, Word Document, text file (or paste in unformatted text) and convert it into well-formatted slides.

  3. Slide by slide You can build your presentation one slide at a time and specify the content on each slide. This is the most time consuming, but offers the most control.

Edit with Plus AI

After generating your presentation (or if you have an existing presentation), use our editing tools to continue to refine your presentation.

Last updated