Custom branding

Custom branding requires a Team plan. Learn more about pricing.

You can set up custom branding to change colors, fonts, and add a logo to your slides.

Your custom brand is shared across your team and can be used when generating a presentation, inserting a slide, or remixing an existing slide.

Set up custom branding

Launch the Plus add-on in Google Slides or PowerPoint. In Google Slides, go to New Presentation. In PowerPoint, click on the New Presentation button.

Click on Custom branding.

Setting up custom branding in the Plus AI add-on in Google slides or PowerPoint

Choose your brand colors

The vast majority of Plus AI's designs only use primary background, primary text, and accent 1.

If you don't have additional brand colors that should be incorporated, just set both of your primary and secondary colors to the same value. Similarly, repeat your accent colors if you don't need all 4 slots.

Select your fonts

Title fonts apply to titles, section headings, and other large, featured text elements. The body font is used everywhere else.

Google Slides and PowerPoint fonts are not compatible with each other, so if you want to use your custom brand in both tools, you will need to select two different set of fonts.

A note about custom fonts

You cannot use custom fonts in Google Slides (this is a Google limitation.) If you need a Google Font that is not available in the Plus dropdown, let us know and we can add it for you.

In PowerPoint, you can use any custom font that is installed on your computer. However, the font name you enter must exactly match the one that is installed. Custom fonts may not render correctly if you share the file with others or open it in Microsoft 365 in your browser.

Upload a logo if you'd like it to appear on every slide.

⚠️ Only .jpeg, .png, and .gif file types are supported. Use a file converter if you need.

Make sure your logo's background is transparent (or matches the slide background color) and that there is minimal whitespace around the logo itself.

Saving your custom branding

Click save to finish setting up your custom branding.

Anyone on your team can edit your custom branding at any time. Your custom branding is shared across your organization.

Using your custom branding

You can select your custom branding as a separate "template" when generating a new presentation.

You can use select your custom brand in the template dropdown when inserting a slide, or remixing an existing slide.

Currently, the layout thumbnails in the Insert and Remix tabs do not update when you select your custom brand. But don't worry, your custom theme will be applied to your generated slide.

Custom branding FAQs

What if I don't have multiple text (or background or accent) colors?

Just set both the primary and secondary text (or background) colors to the same value.

You can also repeat accent colors. If you only have one, just set all 4 accent colors to the same value.

How can I preview my custom branding?

We're working on adding better previews for custom branding. In the meantime, just generate a quick presentation to see what it will look like.

How can I upload a custom font to Google Slides?

Unfortunately Google Slides (not Plus) does not support custom fonts. Your best bet is to select a Google Font that comes close.

I need a Google Font that is not available in the dropdown

Send us a note and we can add it for you.

Why can't I upload my logo as an SVG?

Google Slides sadly does not support SVGs at all. Use an image converter to save your logo as a transparent png instead.

Can I apply my custom branding to one of the other Plus templates?

Unfortunately not right now. However, we can custom design a template for you with a lot more flexibility. Contact us about an Enterprise plan if you're interested.

How do I upload my existing company template?

Unfortunately you can't. Custom templates are only available for Enterprise customers.

A normal Google Slides or PowerPoint template doesn't work with our AI designer out-of-the box.

We have to convert your slide library into a format that our AI models can understand and then teach our AI models to design slides that fit your needs. This takes a week or two.

Contact us if you're interested in an Enterprise plan.

Learn more


Generate a new presentation

Easier than starting from scratch


Insert a single slide

Great for editing existing presentations


Remix a slide

Transform content into a specific layout

Last updated